What are you dealing with?
Choose the pest that you are interested in, and recommended productswill appear accordingly
Buglea ES
Buglea RTU
Buglea RTU ES
Cimex Detect Kit
Cimex Detect Kit PRO
Circular Bed Bug Trap
Diatomaceous Earth
€8.72 -
i0.25 Super RTU
i0.82 Protect Spray against Bedbugs & Fleas
i05 Perm Dust
€4.43 -
i135 PermFum
€7.40 -
i249 Effect Ultimum PRO
i38.6 Segal EW
i40 Cytrol Forte WP
i55 Cimetrol Super EW
i7.2 Dobol Fumigator
i7.5 K-othrine SC 7.5 Flow
€27.55 -
i90 Micro Scope
€51.40 -
Linear Bed Bug Trap